At Chillspace we want to do our bit to help in these unprecedented times, we are bringing our resources together
to produce non-surgical face masks so you too can help save lives and stop the spread of the virus in a positive and colourful way.
Our masks will bring smiles to these dark days.
Made from 3 layers of 90%-100% natural fabric, with at least one layer densely woven for more protection.
All fabrics are remnants or recycled and made in-house by the Chillspace team and in collaboration with local costume professional.
All fabrics are washed at a high temperature before production but it is also recommended that you wash the product before use.
Made with elastic straps for the ears. Your face mask will be washable and reusable as well as one range being reversible.
Sizes: one size adult, child size on request, extra-large on request
Styles: reversible mask, 3D origami mask, all white, all black
- Reversible masks; patterns on one side, and plain on the other
- 3D origami mask; geometric patterns
- Designs will vary as they are made from off-cuts
- 90%- 100% natural fabric (cotton/linen/silk/wool)
Price: £8.50-£9.50
No mask can guarantee 100% antivirus protection. But reports suggest masks certainly reduce your chances to catch a virus
and/ or lowering infection to others if you’re already sick.
Supporting quotes:
Prof David Heymann CBE, a World Health Organization (WHO) adviser, said, “I think that wearing a mask is equally
effective or more effective than distancing.”
In other words, Covid-19 moves like a silent assassin, with unwitting accomplices. Maybe you’ll be one of them.
The best way to ensure that you’re not: wear a mask, and keep your distance from others. Don’t wear an N95
respirator, the type in desperately short supply in hospitals, which is designed to keep doctors safe even when
doing potentially dangerous medical procedures.
– Jeremy Howard is a distinguished research scientist at the University of San Francisco and the co-founder
of Masks 4 All
To help stop coronavirus, everyone should be wearing face masks. The science is clear
Even people without symptoms can infect other just by speaking but a simple cloth covering can stop us
spreading harmful droplets You might walk into stores over the next few days and sicken dozens without knowing it.
Some might die. Others will think they are dying before they recover.
Jeremy Howard/ guardian Sat 4 Apr 2020